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Scribble September 2020 cover.png



Falling Off a Cliff Holding Hands

Alexandra Duprey


DK, Inc.

Oscar Rodriguez


The Day the Borrowmans Killed Each Other

Shay Galloway​


Catch and Release

Natasha Heller


The Ring

Thomas Jacobs​






Editor's Note


Greetings! This month marks the beginning of Scribble's third year. Thank you so much for reading, subscribing and submitting. We are proud of our collection of short stories thus far and happy to include the five pieces in this issue​.


Alexandra Duprey gives us a stunning piece of magical realism set in Florida: Falling Off a Cliff Holding Hands.


DK, Inc. is an enjoyable piece by Oscar Rodriguez that features the heavy-duty shenanigans of some teenage boys.


The Day the Borrowmans Killed Each Other, by Shay Galloway, is a whimsical take on a volitile marriage that includes a whole town.


In the lovely Catch and Release, by Natasha Heller, a woman deals with the absence of her soldier husband.


Finally, the perfect, The Ring, by Thomas Jacobs, follows a husband and father as he finds and protects a special act of love, all the while treating us to a colorful community of immigrants living in Brooklyn, NY.


Enjoy these five, riveting short pieces, and, as always, thank you for reading.


(Wear a mask)


Jae Worthy  Johnson











Alexandra Duprey is a graduate student that grew up along the muck of the Gulf of Mexico. Her surreal experiences in Florida shaped her love for magical realism, and now uses the genre to frame the existential threat of climate change.


Oscar Rodriguez moved to San Miguel de Allende in ‘08 to start work on his thinly veiled memoir, “God’s Green Earth.” Back in Austin, he just published the title track/chapter in the summer issue of the online journal, Flumes…a short twelve years later.


Shay Galloway studied creative writing at Utah State University and received her Bachelor’s degree in 2012. She received her MFA from Roosevelt University in 2017. Her work has appeared in Origami Journal, Adanna, The Write Launch and The Lindenwood Review.





Natasha Heller lives in Kansas with her husband, four kids, and their Portuguese Water Dog. She has had poems published in the Blue Earth Review, Critique, and Relief: A Quarterly Christian Expression, as well as creative non-fiction published in GreenPrints.ary Competition.


Thomas Jacobs was raised overseas, mostly in South America, Turkey and Spain. He is a graduate of St. John's College in Annapolis, Md. His fiction has appeared most recently in Variant Literature, River River Journal, and The Oddville Press, among others.




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